Tuesday, September 13, 2005

why do babies need pockets anyhow?

I am working on the front of the baby jacket, and I have gotten to the place where the pocket it to be placed. In very helpful Debbie Bliss style, the instructions say "Place Pocket" and then go merrily along telling you what to do after that. That's it. Place Pocket. No diagrams, of course. Um, huh? And now I'm thinking, it didn't take all that much yarn to make the little pocket liners, and why the hell would babies need mini-pockets anyway? I may just leave the pockets out. The moms will be none the wiser, I'm sure.


Blogger Mintyfresh said...

Seriously. Pockets totally irrelevant to babies.

9/13/2005 4:19 PM  
Blogger maryse said...

for holding cheerios?

screw the pockets.

9/13/2005 7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To hold their baby iPods and baby Blackberries of course! Every modern baby needs pockets, surely you knew that! :)

9/18/2005 1:00 AM  

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