Saturday, February 03, 2007

Would Crayon make a good sweater?

I'm thinking I want to knit myself a lightweight spring sweater out of the Knit Picks Crayon yarn. I've made small baby washcloths with it, and I've seen baby sweaters that people have made with it, but I'm wondering if it will work out ok on an adult sized item. Any input?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only made toys out of it, but I wonder if it might look a little too 'unfinished'? 'course, that could be worked as a design effect, with nice results. Basically: I have no idea.

2/04/2007 12:00 AM  
Blogger maryse said...

i think it would. but as minty points out, you would need to use the texture as a design element and not fight it. but if you can make a baby sweater out of it, i don't see why you can't make an adult sweater with it.

2/05/2007 2:49 PM  

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